1200 Series

Bodies in Motion

11 hrs   2001
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 7348 ratings

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The format of the 1200 series combines the warm-up and aerobics in one segment allowing for a conditioning segment in which Gilad targets the areas of the day. Best of all, when you download the 1200 series you get 30 different complete workouts! Have fun at the beach!

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Season Details
Synopsis The 1200 series debuted in 2001 and consists of 30 episodes. That's 30 different workouts. You will never get bored.

We shot in 4 different locations this season. We shot at Waimea Bay twice because it has always been one of our favorite locations. We also shot on Waikiki Beach near the Hilton Hawaiian Village. We shot at Sandy Beach on the South Shore of Oahu and Rock Piles on the North Shore. With the exception of Waikiki everywhere we went we had awesome surf. This season is known as the season of the awesome surf.

This year features more of our favorite exercise people. To name a few of them: Gilad's mother Ora is back and Trella has been with us since 1985. Kim and Maelita are a husband and wife team that had 4 children at the time we shot these shows. At last count they had 5. Robyn was a professional cheerleader and extremely acrobatic. Wendee has worked with us on-camera and behind the scenes for years. Emily first appeared on the show at age 11. When these shows were shot she had just graduated from Harvard Law School. Elaine works for the Honolulu Police Department and Steve is professional boxer Vinnie Pazienza's cousin.

The format of the 1200 series combines the warm-up and aerobics in one segment allowing for a conditioning segment in which Gilad targets the areas of the day. Best of all, when you download the 1200 series you get 30 different complete workouts! Have fun at the beach!
Studio Gilad Productions, Ltd.
Rating not rated
Runtime 11 hrs  
Language English | Stereo